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I believe in fate

Just a little note from me to start: Sorry for the relative lack of posts! My life imploded as of late and things gor VERRYYYYYYYY nuts. But I'm back and ready to get going! Expect 1-2 posts a week for the time being. Here's a little one to get you started.


I believe in fate. I know, that might seem odd coming from someone who has made her scientific leanings clear, but I really do. Usually I explain this by talking about my undergraduate experience. I talk about how I applied to school as one of two things: a genetics or a molecular biology major. I talk about how the only schools I received an acceptance letter were the ones where I applied Genetics and the one I went to. The one that rejected my initial application because the program was full (they had an accelerated medical school program and just about everyone rejected from it is still admitted to the university) and asked me to pick a different major. I talk about how that different, whim, major ended up being everything I thought I wanted and more. Especially without all of that plant stuff. Now, I'd tell the story differently. I wouldn't talk about how I was meant to study biomedical engineering. I wouldn't talk about my amazing eye opening experience, and my introduction to the world I love. I wouldn't say that because I've learned that in retrospect, I just faked it well. The story I would tell is how my utter failures lead me move 3,500 miles away alone to live with virtual strangers and how I blossomed. It took a 7 hour plane ride (and s lot of work leading up to it) for me to feel comfortable in my own skin. To be the person I wanted to be and not the person everyone expected me to be. Sure, my education was part of it. There are clear parts of the experience I regret, one of which is the course I picked. (Really though, it had the title I wanted but the actual course content wasn't a good fit. There were better fits at lesser known universities and in the same university under a different title, but my gut told me to do what I did) Even with all of this, there are parts I wouldn't give up. The people I met. The friends I made. The mentors I had. They balance the negatives. Unfortunately, I can't be with them at the moment but I am eagerly counting down the days to when I will see them again. 36 days and counting.

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